Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I am giving up my happiness..

..and detoxing for 21 days, it's true.

I am following Dr. Joshi's Holistic 21 day Detox, which is intended to flush out all those nasty toxins and fats that your body has stored, and restore the bodies Ph from acidic to slightly alkaline. So, essentially...I'm cleansing my body and liver of years of partying, booze, etc, ahem. It's a healthy little regimen that limits you from any wheat and gluten, dairy, fruit (except bananas), some veggies (mostly nightshades), red meat, coffee (even decaf), sugars, anything artificial and processed. Sounds like I'm gonna live off spinach and water, huh? Yeeeeah that's what I'm sayin.

This will be the ultimate test of my self control. Until today, I didn't know I had any, indulging is my favorite pastime. One time Jen and I tried the South Beach diet, we made it to the second or third night before we caved and ate an entire package of bacon, we didn’t even need to talk about how over it was, we both just knew. We were amazing.

The problem here is, I have a very passionate and deep love affair with coffee that Joshi expects me to simply give up, bastard, this is probably what will kill me if the hunger doesn't. I've heard about the withdrawal headaches. Yikes. I actually started to panic about an hour before I had decided detox would begin over the whole coffee bit and ran out for one last emergency coffee coupled by many, many cigarettes. I cried to Dana about missing coffee and she said to me 'Don’t think about what you're not eating or consuming, think about what you are'. That's my new motto. That and 'I need a carrot.'

Everyone is asking how my silly diet is going and since I had a hard time finding recipes and ideas online (the book is pretty useless for suggestions as to what you CAN eat), I'm blogging the detox along with recipes and meal plans, some I found in other people blogs. Don't detox without reading the book!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

As your sponsor I would like you to know that you are amazing and you will feel amazing when this is done.

that is all.

January 16, 2008 at 1:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOVE YOUR blog!! I started a week ago on the Joshi detox and felt the headaches the first few days but I think I mucked up on eating low calorie foods.. bought chocolate cookies, rice crisps and such that are GF,WF, but ate the whole box in one sitting. thats not helping matters. will treat this week again as a start and try some of your recipes. thanks much!

March 9, 2008 at 11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH and re: liver flush. The book says 300 ml of grapefruit and lemon juice. Is that 300ml of grapefruit AND 300ml of lemon juice or is 300mL together?

And... have you been making the liver cleanse fresh each week. ie not making in advance and storing for the week after?

March 9, 2008 at 11:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have the same sentiments about the book and you have totally inspired us to continue this...albeit we are only 8 hours in...THANKS for this post!!!!

November 7, 2010 at 1:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have done the Joshi detox many times before but I always feel like I'm eating the same things over and over. And my poor boyfriend! He hates brown rice by the time the 21 days has past. You're blog is awesome! I'm starting Joshi on Tuesday and I plan on using all of these recipes! Thanks!

September 4, 2011 at 11:45 AM  
Anonymous Cerra said...

Ok I realize your blog is from forever ago, but I just read it and had to comment. My husband and I do the Joshi detox once a year for the past 10 years....right some wrongs so to speak. And yes the book is useless for recipes so I found myself searching out some fresh material. Well your blog made me laugh so hard I spat my tea on my laptop. Who is this pain inflicting, fun ruining bastard??! LOL. Thanks for this, just about to start again for the 11th time...ugh...I also want to go out and chug one last coffee and box of wine. Too much? Meh. Guess I should stop avoiding the inevitable and go eat some carrots.

April 3, 2015 at 11:19 AM  
Blogger Gingercringer 🐾 said...

I'm not convinced that the brown rice is so healthy for us as it's claimed. I love the taste but it gives me digestive issues so I've done some reading on the net and won't be eating it if I can have white one instead. Good luck with the programme though. I'm starting today.

July 15, 2016 at 8:14 PM  

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